5 things about your first job at a branding agency

My name is William and I recently joined Mandelo. A branding and e-commerce agency. It made me feel like entering a new world. If you think about applying for a job at a branding agency, get ready for some ways of working that you’ll instantly love. From my perspective, working at a branding agency is an eye-opener for sure.
1. Brace yourself
Working at a branding agency can feel a bit overwhelming. Especially, when you’re not used to an agile way of working. We have a lot of disruptive days when there are urgent matters or deadlines. Don’t worry about getting lost in a daily grind, because there’s no one. After a daily kick-off, and the knives got sharpened, your day can take any turn. You should be able to anticipate on the things that cross your path. The disruptive nature of our branding agency guarantees you to stay sharp. And switch quickly between different tasks, projects and people. Get ready to fly.
2. Work with purpose
Let’s be honest. A lot of jobs are related to some sort of temporality. At a branding agency you’ll work on brands that have a major impact on our world. Because of that, you get the opportunity to make the world more beautiful, fairer and more conscious. That’s a long term goal for sure. When you contribute to that, your work is going to be truly purposeful.
3. Be accountable
Get ready for some straight forward feedback. When you work at a branding agency you can expect loads of feedback from your ‘loved’ colleagues. In the beginning you may feel a little offended, but there comes a moment you’re quite happy with it. However, you should act responsible and be accountable for all the things you do. Make things clear about your own agenda, projects and the way you communicate. The stage is yours, they say. Don’t let somebody else jump on it.
4. Get better day by day
My colleagues at the branding agency are outspoken, not without a reason. What they all have in common is a diligent attitude towards their ambitions. You get better day by day because other people expect a substantiation for all things you do. It contributes to a brand culture where you continuously refine, improve skills and motivate each other. That’s how you get the best out of each day.
5. Try and strive
Working at a branding agency also means a lot of freedom. To try out new tools, methods or ways to communicate better. For example, we just started to plan a maximum of seven hours for projects each day. That’s all. So, you’ll have one hour left to keep your agenda set, answer some emails or just have some spare time. Pretty functional right?
All right, these five learnings are ones I love the most about my first time at a branding agency. You should take that step as well, I highly recommend. Check out our latest vacancies here.